Our Course
Feel like all you walk away from school with is a piece of paper and some new techniques?
Struggling to get consistently great results with clients that address the root causes of health problems?
Not sure if you have what it takes to get people well?
You're not alone.
I used to feel that way too.
Hi, I am Becky Mauldin N.D.
When I first started working as a practitioner, I quickly learned that food and supplements were not enough to reverse chronic disease. They were just ONE piece of the puzzle.
I spent YEARS struggling to find answers to my own serious health problems (MCS, Lyme, toxic mold) before I finally discovered what worked. A system for the body and the business.
And when I put it in place in my own practice? I could finally stop questioning my ability to help people. I knew enough. I had the skills. My clients got results.
And so can yours.

I knew I was onto something when my business grew to a few thousand clients inside two years, without doing any advertising or networking events. I had to move out of my home office. My clients reported more success stories from our work together than I could hang on my walls.
My clients were getting well and they were spreading the word for me! Those referrals allowed me to never wonder again if I would have enough clients. They found me.
As our sales nearly doubled every year, I moved into a 3,000 square foot wellness center. Now, I work side by side with other holistic practitioners as a team to help our clients achieve amazing results.
What I really want you to know is that being a successful practitioner doesn't have to be hard.
When you have the expertise to get results, your clients experience lasting change which deeply impacts their lives for the better. Then your clients spread the word for you, and your business will flourish.
Once you have the protocols and systems in place and a steady stream of clients, everything is easier. Your confidence soars. You see that it is possible for you to live your dream.
Let me support you so that you can create the holistic business that you KNOW you are meant to have!
I've Done It The Hard Way....So YOU Don't Have To
Ready to shorten your learning curve?
We've got the expertise and information that you need to have a successful health and wellness business right now...
The Pure Vitality Practitioner Course
A 6-month online training program that helps you grow a solid holistic business using our proven techniques to help clients, build your confidence, and make money.

Take your holistic business to the next level and become the practitioner you're meant to be!
About the Course
The Pure Vitality Practitioner Course is the perfect "graduate" program for holistic practitioners (minus the 6-figure price tag). This powerful, information-rich, online program provides you with the knowledge and confidence you need to take your business to the next level.
It is based on 4 pillars: Nutrition, Emotional Coaching, Supplements, and Detoxification. Unlike Western Medicine, which treats only symptoms, we know that to get results, you must target the underlying root cause of health problems. What you need is a system that will help you navigate between the root causes of chronic illness and the confusing symptoms that result. The Pure Vitality Practitioner Course is your answer.

This Practitioner Course was Created For...
- Holistic practitioners of all types (Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Health Coaches, Nutritionists, Herbalists, Acupuncturists, etc...) who have an existing practice and want expertise and protocols that get results for their clients.
- New health coaches or practitioners who have never worked with clients before
- Those who want to become Holistic Health Practitioners
- Practitioners who are still struggling to find consistent clients

In This Training, You Will: |
- Learn how to give your clients the ideal food plan customized to their health
- Receive the tools to faciltate breakthoughs for your clients emotional health
- Feel confident about how to detoxify clients safely and effectively
- Learn how to create powerful health protocols that will transform your clients health
- Understand what it takes to heal the body from serious disease
- Learn how to stay focused on addressing the root causes and not get overwhelmed
- Learn about using Electro-Dermal Screening to achieve great results
- Get access to our popular Remedy Guide to know what to do for most health conditions
We know that you'll need to master 4 key areas to get results, so you will get training in these areas:
Emotional Coaching
The Pure Vitality Practitioner Course will give you the expertise you need to build a thriving business!
This course was created by Naturopath, Becky Mauldin, because other practitioners wanted to know the secret to their thriving business and why they have so many client success stories.
Easy to Understand
Taking the protocols used in their practice, they make it easy to create a sustainable, successful business.
Step-by-Step Program
With our checklists and done-for-you materials, you will find this program easy to implement.
Video Training Lessons
Watch, listen, and learn about nutrition, mindset, detox, and electro-dermal screening in this informative multi-media video training course.
What People Are Saying
"I can say without a doubt the Pure Vitality course is completely different than anything Ive been able to find and Ive got certifications from other schools as a holistic health practitioner, nutritionist, herbalist, just to name a few. I got all these certifications but at the end still felt unprepared to start my own business. This course puts all the missing pieces together and gives you ALL of the tools that you need!
I just have to say the Remedy Guide....Wow! Such an amazing tool. Doing the practice cases with just the intake form and the guide and the patterns just form right before your eyes. This is worth the price of admission on it's own!!!"Kerri Starr
"I wish I have had this course years ago it would have saved me sooooo much time and money. I'm super happy I have found it now though. I have excellent training apart from this course that I am extremely happy with but was still finding it difficult practically what to do with my clients: what to suggest, when, what supplements etc. etc. What order to address things and how not to overwhelm clients. What is amazing in this course as well is the support you get if you need it. You can ask questions after questions and you will have only support and love back. "Also amazing expertise in the university group. And its life long as well. It can only get better and better. I am very happy with my choice here as everything is covered."
Asa Simonsson, Naturopath and Nutritionist Linea Natural Nutrition
"What you've created within this course work is not only invaluable information, but you've put your heart into it and you invest your time into your students...teaching, coaching beyond the class, on the weekend and at all hours of day or night. So today I'm grateful to the two women I've never met, but also two women who have touched my soul and slowly are helping me trust and regain my faith that there are amazing people in the world who give of themselves beyond what they need to. Thank you Becky Mauldin and Marie Elam for everything you do!"
Maryam O'Connor, Rph founder, Pharmacist Utopia Healing Center
“Taking the Course has impacted my business in several ways. But the #1 way is that it has boosted my confidence…my knowledge base and has helped me come across as the expert…
“And with more confidence you are able to attract more clients, and the referrals will grow, it’s wonderful. You will be amazed at what you get from it...
“It was the best choice I’ve ever made.”Karlyn Benn CHHC Three D Wellness
I just feel like if people knew EXACTLY what you were teaching in this course, they would have no hesitations. I think the thing that floored me the most was how simple you break the body down into systems and the order of fixing those systems through the healing template, Remedy guide.... Love how many years you have saved us by sharing your successful protocols!
Dede Bevers
What's Included in the Course
12 modules in video format makes learning easy and fun
Over 30 hours of information-rich video lessons that will give you all the shortcuts and protocols to grow your practice. Each module contains an average of 12 video lessons that cover everything in our wellness center to get our clients well. Each module builds on the previous one, taking you from basic nutritional concepts to the detailed Electro-Dermal Screening modules where you learn how to create a protocol. We have also included practical business building tools to help you with marketing and attracting your ideal clients.

Over 900 Pages of Course Material- Including Step-by-Step Protocols, Checklists, and Done-For-You Materials
We've taken the most vital information from our business and put it together for you in this course. In each module there is a downloadable document that includes the transcripts of the video training material plus worksheets, graphs, templates, and our exact protocols for specific health conditions. This content-rich information will give you everything you need to be successful with your clients.
No more wondering if you know enough! You will have what you need at your fingertips!
This includes the transcripts of the video training, charts, graphs, checklists, and all of the material that will enable you to duplicate what we do each day in our wellness center.
Our Favorite Resource: The Remedy Guide
Health issues are complicated nowadays! But not with our easy Remedy Guide! It's our ultimate cheat sheet book!
With this color-coded, 130 page Remedy Guide, you can look up symptoms and diseases by category to find the exact supplements or natural protocols that work for that issue. Grouped by body system, it's a great way to learn which symptoms are linked to which organ system.
It includes the most common causal factors for that health condition as well as the most common remedies and dosages. An invaluable resource, you will find this gives you the confidence to help your clients health problems.

Safe and Effective Detox Protocols
Having trained under one of the most successful detox practitioners in Atlanta, Becky has learned how to utilize far-infrared sauna protocols as well as oral supplements for detoxification of clients. She shares the best protocols in this training so you can use them in your practice.
Because toxins abound in our modern world, it is a critical element that no practitioner should be without to help their clients get well.
Dozens of Case Studies
Real-life case studies give you practical examples of how to apply this information. It's like you are looking over our shoulder as we work with clients, so you will understand the behind-the-scenes of creating protocols.
From children to adults, from acute to chronic illness, you will get to see the way a protocol is created for every situation. There is no better way to learn than by getting access to this level of detail as we open up our case files.
You will see how we use the intake form along with other techniques to put together a customized protocol for every client that addresses the underlying root cause of their health problems.
And don't worry, you will get exact copies of all of our intake forms, follow up forms, and other documents we use every day in our wellness center so you can use it yourself!

Done-For-You Programs
Access a complete 90-Day Program you can use with your clients that shows you how to walk a client through a healing process that addresses their physical, mental, and emotional health. We use this exact program to help our clients achieve amazing results!
You will get videos you can use to educate your clients, as well as PDF handouts, forms, and documents that assist them on their journey to better health.
Access to our Practitioner Mastermind Group for Community
Just because you have your own business, doesn’t mean you have to do it alone! Community support is a huge part of what you need to succeed.
In our mastermind community, it's a place to come to form relationships, hold yourself accountable, and get inspired by everyone's success- including yours! It's a place where you can get your questions answered and get support from us and other practitioners who are on a similar journey.

Monthly Live Coaching Calls
Get your questions answered and receive on-the-spot coaching on various topics like creating protocols, building your business, creating programs, marketing strategy, improving your mindset around money, and case studies. It's like having your very own mentors to walk you through the process of creating your success!
"I would highly recommend the Practitioner Course"
"When I learned about Pure Vitality's Practitioner Course, it looked very good, but I was still hesitant. Past experience with online education in alternative medicine had left me disappointed because the content was not as thorough as I would have expected. I enrolled in the Practitioner Course anyway, and have had no regrets.
"I would highly recommend the Practitioner Course. Becky has left no stone unturned. She teaches the course thoroughly to help you be the best practitioner you can be. What I like best about the course is that it is so amazingly well rounded and conveniently available online without the need to travel. I cannot express enough how professional and thorough this course is. It's given me all the tools to have a well rounded natural health practice and greater confidence."
After this course, you will... |
- Feel confident because you know exactly how to help any client who walks through you door
- Have a plan for attracting more ideal clients who are excited to work with you
- Stand out from the crowd, by having programs and packages that elevate your reputation in your community
- Know how to solve the complex health problems we are seeing today
- Fulfill your dream of becoming a successful practitioner who is changing lives every day!
This Is Your Time |
If you’ve ever dreamed about learning how to be a better practitioner and of getting more clients who love you, here’s your opportunity to make it happen. We promise to never teach anything that hasn’t already been tested and conclusively proven to be effective.
No Nonsense. No Fluff. No Theory. Just All the Practical Information You Need to Know.
You don’t need to figure it all out yourself. Someone has already figured it out, and I can help you get where you want to go faster. It is possible to build successful holistic business and get paid to do what you love. I know because I'm doing it myself.
Let me show you what you've been missing...
Ready to Get Started? |
Join the Practitioner Course today!
Tuition is $5964
Pay-in-full Discount: $4997
12 Payments of $497
18 Payments of $331
Our course is accredited with the AADP.
The National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) has approved our course for 30 NANP Category 1 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you decide to cancel within 30 days of enrollment, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel after 30 days, there will be no refund given. This program is for serious students only!

Frequently Asked Questions
Are there prerequisites for the Pure Vitality Practitioner Course?
There are no prerequisites for this course. It is a course designed for people who want to become practitioners as well as existing holistic practitioners of all types. We are accredited with the internationally recognized American Association of Drugless Practitioners, which means that after you graduate, you can be board certified through the AADP and be able to practice as a Holistic Health Practitioner, no matter where you are in the world.
What type of practitioners are suited to this course?
Practitioners from all different backgrounds have taken this course: Naturopaths, Medical Professionals, Massage Therapists, Health Coaches, Nutritionists, Chiropractors, etc...and even people who just want to learn more about nutrition so they can become a practitioner in the future.
How long will it take me to complete the course?
The course is designed to be completed in 6-9 months, depending on the time you can spend on the material. Upon graduation, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion as well as a seal that you can display on your website.
How many hours per week should I allot for completing the course work?
We've made sure to break down the material into completely manageable pieces. If you watch all the videos, and go through the material, plan on 4-6 hours a week.
What will I be able to do when I am done with the Pure Vitality Practitioner Course?
We are accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, which will make you eligible to be board certified through them and be a Holistic Health Practitioner. This will enable you to see clients, get insurance, and purchase supplements at wholesale as a practitioner.
Upon completion of this course, you will also be able to:
Have more confidence with every new client
Implement a 3-month program right away
Run your business smoothly and easily
Improve communication skills with clients
Source proven, effective supplements
Design impactful protocols that get results
Learn coaching techniques for diet and lifestyle changes
Design a wellness practice into whatever works for you
Increased referral rates from clients you are helping get well
Begin teaching classes in your community
Can I do this course while working a full time job or being a full time parent?
Yes, absolutely! We created this course while Becky was working full time in her wellness center.
How does this course differ from other online trainings?
Like so many practitioners seeking this type of education, Becky Mauldin struggled to develop and apply a system that worked when she first started her practice. Many of the training programs available to her back then, and available to you, right now, are taught in weekend seminars. They provide great information, but there is VERY LITTLE PRACTICAL APPLICATION. After paying for travel to a seminar, paying for lodging, paying for registration fees, listening to lectures, and getting excited about your newfound knowledge, you likely return to your office only to realize that you have tons of questions, and no idea how to start, communicate the program with your clients, and develop a business around the information you’ve received.
That’s what makes the Practitioner Course different. Becky gives you a simple system and protocols, and combines those tools with excellent client communication and business building training.
The result is that you get results-driven, specific information that can really help you succeed as a practitioner and help you build a business that you love.
How is the course delivered?
Your training is released in weekly modules within our private, members only website. Each module contains step-by-step training videos, transcripts, done-for-you templates to use with your clients, “cheat sheets”, and easy to implement action guides. Each video is also accompanied by a PDF transcripts so you can easily reference the lessons you want to repeat later.
Do I have to complete the course within a certain amount of time?
No, once you enroll, you will get lifetime access to the course.
Do you offer payment plans?
Of course! You can pay in one installment of $4997, in 6 payments of $897, or 12 payments of $497.
What tools are required to take this course? Will I have to purchase any equipment or software?
A computer and Internet connection are necessary for you to take this course. In the course, you will learn about equipment that you can use with clients for various things, but it is not mandatory for you to use in your practice.
Still Have Questions?
Have questions? Talk with one of our practitioners and have your specific questions answered to discover if the Pure Vitality Practitioner Course is right for you.
Click the button below, fill out the short form, and we'll give you a call. We look forward to talking with you!
Or if you'd like to speak to an enrollment advisor who can answer your questions first, please call us at 1-877-927-8473.